Special Interest Programs
Check out our wide variety of uniques programs. Learn something new and fun!
For more information on any of the programs you see below, please call 715-841-1855 or e-mail memberservices@thelandingwausau.com
Play Reading- "Hedda Gabler" & "Enemy of the People" by Henry Ibsen
Tuesdays, February 11th-March 25th at 1:30-3:00pm
The YMCA Multi-Purpose Room
Gather with Sarah Rudolph & other theatre enthusiasts in The Landing to read & discuss tow plays written by Henry Ibsen.
Cost includes the cost of the play reading book.
Registration & Cancellation Deadline: January 22nd
- Facilitator: Sarah Rudolph
- Members: $15
- Non-Members: $30
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Learn American Mahjongg
Mondays & Thursdays, March 3rd-March 13th at 11:00am-12:45pm
The Landing Art Room
American Mahjongg is a fun & fascinating game of skill & strategy, popular around the world. Using beautiful tiles & varying levels of complexity, Mahj has been shown to have a positive effect on cognitive function & brain health in aging.
Lynn is an experienced Mahjongg player with years of teaching experience under her belt. She has a passion for sharing this wonderful game that keeps your brain young. You'll have fun too!
Register Soon – Class Size is limited.
- Facilitator: Lynn Eby
- Members: $15
- Non-Members: $45
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Let's Create with U-Paint- "Lucky Gnome"
Wednesday, March 5th at 1:00-3:00pm
The Landing Art Room
Join Briana Ziebell-Glasel, on the first Wednesday of the month for an art teacher lead class to create an art piece every month. March's program will be painting a Fun St, Patrick's themed Gnome.
Registration Deadline: March 5th | Cancellation Deadline: February 26th
- Facilitator: Briana Ziebell-Glasel
- Members: $25
- Non-Members: $40
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Guitar Music with John
Thursday, March 6th at 2:00-3:00pm
The Landing Dining Room
Come listen, dance, sing along & enjoy the musical talents of John & his guitar.
- Facilitator: John Schmidt
- Cost: FREE
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Practical Wisdom for Everyday Life Series
Thursday, March 13th-April 10th at 10:00-11:30am
The Landing Tech & Art Room
There's nothing more practical than understanding more about what is true. Like a good map, it makes it easier to get where we want to go. Wisdom is true knowledge put to good use.
This series of presentations/discussions is an opportunity to build on gems of wisdom from life experiences & explore new ones. Topics include:
March 13th: What's True about being Human?
March 27th: What we focus on grows
April 3rd: The Joy of Listening
April 10th: Caring with People
- Facilitator: Loretta Ulmschneider
- Members: FREE
- Non-Members: Day Pass Required
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Mind, Body & Spirit with Debby Krenz
Thursdays, March 13th & 20th at 9:30-11:00am
The YMCA Multi-Purpose Room
Learn to connect with your intuition! There is a place inside of you that has infinite wisdom & knowledge. I can help you bring greater peace, joy & abundance into your life!
Registration is required. Registration/Cancellation Date: Four Days prior to class
- Facilitator: Debby Krenz
- Members: $12
- Non-Members: $27
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Getting to Know Classic Films
Fridays, March 14th & 28th at 12:00-1:30pm
The Landing Tech Room
Join Scott Schutte, classic movie buff for our classic movies for March.
March 14th: "Some Like it Hot" (1959)
March 28th: "Body & Soul" (1947)
- Facilitator: Scott Schutte
- Members: FREE
- Non-Members: Day Pass Required
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Tony Omernik Presents: Secrets of Planning a Happy Retirement
Friday, March 21st at 10:00-11:30am
The Landing Tech Room
Join Tony, an experiences retirement coach, as he leads this program that helps people develop their personalized, non-financial plan for a happy retirement.
Retirement is not just about finances; it's also about maximizing your life experiences around you & your objectives in having a happy retirement.
- Facilitator: Tony Omernik
- Members: FREE
- Non-Members: Day Pass Required
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Bridge Lessons- Advanced & Beyone Beginner's Lessons
Wednesdays, March 26th-May 28th at 12:30-2:30pm (No Class April 2nd or May 7th)
YMCA Multi-Purpose & School Age Rooms
Registration Deadline: March 12th | Cancellation Deadline: March 5th
- Facilitator: Emalyn Nikstad
- Advanced Cost: $20
- Beyond Beginner Cost: $35 (includes book)
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Cooking with Jackie- Chilaquiles
Tuesday, April 1st at 9:00-12:00pm
The YMCA Multi-Purpose Room
Join Jackie in creating a Traditional Mexican Sunday Breakfast of Chilaquiles with Eggs & Refried Beans. Jackie will provide you with recipes for the dishes she makes.
You won't want to miss this program-you get to eat this delicious Mexican classic meal that Jackie just taught. Spots are limited.
Registration Deadline: March 27th | Cancellation Deadline: March 24th
- Facilitator: Jackie Romero
- Members: $25
- Non-Members: $40
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Let's Create with U-Paint- Spring Wooden Welcome Sign
Wednesday, April 2nd at 1:00-3:00pm
The Landing Art Room
Join Briana Ziebell-Glasel, on the first Wednesday of the month for an art teacher lead class to create an art piece every month. April's theme will be a fun Welcome Sign painting.
Registration Deadline: April 1st | Cancellation Deadline: March 26th
- Facilitator: Briana Ziebell-Glasel
- Members: $25
- Non-Members: $40
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Guitar Music with John
Thursday, April 3rd at 2:00-3:00pm
The Landing Dining Room
Come listen, dance, sing along & enjoy the musical talents of John & his guitar.
- Facilitator: John Schmidt
- Cost: FREE
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Volunteering 101 with Tony Omernick
Monday, April 7th at 10:00-11:00am
The Landing Tech Room
Join Tony Omernick, an experienced retirement coach & retired RSVP Director, involved in connecting retirees to volunteer opportunities that were the right fit for them.
Tony will share how volunteering can be a meaningful part of enjoying retirement. As part of the program, Tony will provide a "Right Fit for Your Volunteering Guide" to help participants identify the best type of volunteering opportunity specific to their time, interests, skills & level of involvement desired.
- Facilitator: Tony Omernik
- Members: FREE
- Non-Members: Day Pass Required
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Mind, Body & Spirit with Debby Krenz
Thursdays, April 10th & 17th at 9:30-11:00am
The YMCA Multi-Purpose Room
Learn to connect with your intuition! There is a place inside of you that has infinite wisdom & knowledge. I can help you bring greater peace, joy & abundance into your life!
Registration is required. Registration/Cancellation Date: Four Days prior to class
- Facilitator: Debby Krenz
- Members: $12
- Non-Members: $27
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Getting to Know Classic Films
Fridays, April 11th & 25th at 12:00-1:30pm
The Landing Tech Room
Join Scott Schutte, classic movie buff for our classic movies for April.
April 11th: "Duck Soup": (1933)
April 25th: "It Happened One Night": (1934)
- Facilitator: Scott Schutte
- Members: FREE
- Non-Members: Day Pass Required
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

2026 Travel Show with Collette Travel
Monday, April 21st at 10:15am
The Landing Tech & Art Rooms
Join Collette Representative, Katie Ganshert as she highlights the four great trips we have planned for 2026. Travel includes: Italy, Alaska, Iceland & Quebec.
- Facilitator: Katie Ganshert
- Members: FREE
- Non-Members: Day Pass Required
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

Protecting our Jewels of Summer- Butterflies
Wednesday, April 23rd at 9:00-10:00am
The Landing Tech & Art Rooms
Monarchs & other pollinator species are declining across the United States, but we can make a difference. Pollution, pesticides, pests, pathogens & climate change have all been associated with shrinking & shifting the pollinator populations.
Learn how fascinating these beautiful creatures are & how you too can become a Monarch Herder.
- Facilitator: Maryellen Marnholtz
- Members: FREE
- Non-Members: Day Pass Required
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!

The Lore & History of the Home Run in Major League Baseball
Tuesday, April 29th at 10:30-11:30am
The Landing Tech & Art Rooms
Ted Rulseh is a full-time, freelance writer, author & publisher of 11 books & lifelong baseball fan. There's so much to contemplate amid baseball's legends & in the sports voluminous historical record. Join in this program & share his observations, discoveries, delights & less-than-professional opinions.
- Facilitator: Ted Rulseh
- Members: FREE
- Non-Members: Day Pass Required
- Registration Required
- Visit our Member Service Desk & Sign Up!